Raj S. Mukkamala


I’m a 2nd-year chemical engineering PhD candidate at Caltech, co-advised by Prof. Julia Kornfield and Prof. Dianne Newman. My research blends polymer science with microbiology to develop living materials for precision agriculture applications.

I completed my BSE in Chemical Engineering at Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) in 2022. During my undergraduate studies, I worked on developing polyolefin blends suitable for scalable conversion to carbon fibers in Prof. Valentin Rodionov’s polymer chemistry group and on simulating the dynamics of bottle-brush polymers in Prof. Michael J.A. Hore’s polymer physics group.

Outside of the lab, I enjoy playing tennis, hiking, and competing in mixed martial arts.

selected publications

  1. Macro10.1021.jpeg
    Simulation and Analysis of Molecular Bottlebrush Dynamics in Dilute Solutions
    Raj S. Mukkamala, and Michael J.A. Hore
    Macromolecules , Jan 2024